Monday, December 10, 2007

I gave my GF a new whatchamacallit. Template. It's nice, kinda. I'm still trying to figure out if I like it - what do you say?

The new tagline is going to be "All Warts - Every Day"

Basically I'm going to post my writing for the day - all rough. It's meant to be read, obviously. It's meant to be internalized and meditated on, and eventually it's meant to be criticized. The rewrites, the final stuff, won't go here.

This is just for the crap. Don't misunderstand it.

"Don't send out anything until it's sat in a drawer for a month. Then take it out and read it through again." - Michelle Gagnon in How I Got Published

Welcome to the drawer.

1 comment:

Posalootly said...

Oh man I got so confused by that first sentence. I was like, "wait, his girlfriend has a tumblr? WAIT ADAM HAS A GIRLFRIEND?!" and then I realized.

It looks perdy.